
PuppyMath™ is the story of a cute, mischievous golden retriever puppy who strikes out in search of adventure. Follow Pup to discover, explore, and disrupt a variety of locations.

In every location, Pup gets into trouble and it's your job to put things back in order. In doing so, you will learn to use mathematical concepts in real life situations. No previous knowledge is required, you will learn everything you need as you progress. You won't use any numbers or words, just drag and drop items where they need to go and have fun in the process. Life is never boring with Pup around!

Each day, Pup leaves home and goes to a busy location, such as a bakery, flower shop, or candy store, and immediately gets into situations where your help is needed. Put things back together and get through, so that at the end of each day, Pup can get back home.

Pup is a collector who wears a satchel, just like another adventurer we all know and love. With every puzzle you solve, Pup will collect an item, such as a cupcake, flower, or candy. These items keep track of your accomplishments and progress throughout the adventure.